hbt stands for HTML Bundler & Template Engine.
hbt = HTML + Super Power
Although frameworks like Vue, React, Angular has made our life very easy. However sometimes for small projects and portfolio we often use Just vanilla js and have just one index.html file. In that case sometimes HTML file gets really long and hand to maintain. But worry not hbt is here to rescue. With hbt you have many super powers like come splitting and a lot more. And since hbt is a Dev Dependency and works as compiler your end code will have 0 performance loss.
npm i hbt -D
Create a js file and populate it like shown below and run it with node
const { compile } = require('hbt') //Path to development file const dev = "./dev/index.html" //Path to production file const build = "./build/index.html" //If you wanna pass some data define them // you'll be able to access them using data.propertyName const data = { title: "My Website", links: ["home", "about", "login"] } //Optionally you can pass some option // here are available options and their default const ops = { info: true, //Is set false fewer console logs will be shown watch: false, //Weather to auto recompile on file change or not minify: false //if set true output HTML will be minify } //Only first 2 arguments are required compile(dev, build, data, ops)
1. To output data use {{}} syntax. You'd be able to use JavaScript inside those braces
<title>{{ data.title }}</title>
2. To execute JavaScript statement that doesn't output anything use <%%> syntax.
<% data.links.map(link => { %>
<li>{{ link }}</li>
<% }) %>
3. While using hbt only use single qoutes. Double quotes will cause issue.
You may have used lorem ipsum. Its basically random text generator. hbt has a function to do that. Just call hbt.lorem function with number of words you want.
<p>{{ hbt.lorem(8) }}</p>
The output will be
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
Similar to lorem ipsum there is lorem picsum to genrate random image url.
To get a url of a square image:
<img src="{{ hbt.picsum(200) }}" alt="">
The output will be
<img src="https://picsum.photos/200" alt="">
Or to get a url of a square image of specific width and height:
<img src="{{ hbt.picsum(200, 300) }}" alt="">
The output will be
<img src="https://picsum.photos/200/300" alt="">
Lastly you can set third argument to true to get same image every time
<img src="{{ hbt.picsum(200, 300, true) }}" alt="">
The output will be
<img src="https://picsum.photos/seed/picsum/200/300" alt="">
You can use the font function to get google font cdn
<link href="{{ hbt.font('Roboto') }}" rel="stylesheet">
The output will be
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto:wght@400&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
You can add array of font weights as second argument
<link href="{{ hbt.font('Roboto', [100, 400, 900]) }}" rel="stylesheet">
The output will be
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto:wght@100;400;900&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
This is a really powerful utility of hbt. With this function you can download resources from CDN and link it in HTML directly. It takes three argument: CDN link, folder to save in(starting after build folder), and name to save as. eg:
<link href="{{ hbt.resource('https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css', '/css/', 'bootstrap.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
The output will be
<link href="/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
This will create css folder(if doesn't exists) inside build folder and download bootstrap CSS locally. While using this make sure url absolutely point to the file.
include is another really helpful function. You can use it to import HTML Component/File or svg file in your html.
If you want you can also pass data in include function. Then in that file/component you'll be able to use those data using data.property
{{hbt.include('./components/footer.html', {year: 2020})
hbt also ships with some useful CDN links. you can access them using hbt.cdn.name
<link href="{{ hbt.cdn.MDI }}" rel="stylesheet">
The output will be
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">
Available CDNs:
Font awesome: FA
Material design icons: MDI
Popper: POPPER
Nesting statements
<% if(data.todos.length > 0){ %>
<% data.todos.map(todo => { %>
<li>{{ todos.title }}</li>
<% }) %>
<% }else{ %>
<p>No todos yet</p>
<% } %>
downloading hbt cdn
<link href="{{ hbt.resource(hbt.cdn.BOOTSTRAP_CSS, '/css/', 'bootstrap.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
passing big data
const post = { title: "hbt rocks", img: "https://fakeurl.com/img.jpg", reacts: 75, tags: ["hbt", "bundler", "template engine"] }
{{hbt.include('./components/card.html', post)